Former Prime Minister Tony Blair suggests merger of British Football Leagues


Tony Blair has suggested merging the English, Scottish and Welsh Football Leagues together to keep the Union together.

The Welsh Premier League has been in existence 1992, running for 27 years but the former Labour Leader has made a suggestion regarding a restructuring.

Blair was posed the question in what he would do to keep the Union together should the Country opt for a Hard Brexit, Blair suggested in an interview with The Scotmsan the idea of the three countries in Great Britain merging their football leagues.

“People used to think it was a bit trivial when I used to say we should put the football leagues together.

“It’s just you need to find ways in which people are realising they have a lot in common, as well as space for the diversity of the UK. I’d do a lot more of that.”

In September 2017, Blair revealed that he was keen on the idea of merging the England and Scottish League, during his time in power. Blair was Prime Minister from 1997 to 2007 as part of the Labour Party.

The Scottish Challenge Cup (Commerical Name: Irn-Bru Cup) is already a competition which has teams from all three teams from the British Isles. in which teams from England, Northern Ireland, Republic of Ireland and Wales compete in.

Welsh clubs have competed in it for the last three seasons, whilst two English Non-League sides entered this year. Connah’s Quay reached the final this narrowly losing to Ross County.

(Featured Image: NCM Media)

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