Old Gold’s Walters taking part in hitchhiking challenge for local mental health organisation


(Image: Colin Ewart)

Carmarthen Town midfielder Greg Walters is taking part in an annual hitchhiking challenge, which aims to raise funds for local mental health organisation Get The Boys a Lift.

Along with four other members, Walters is racing across the UK, with the winner being the first to reach the checkpoints of Cardiff, Lands End, Dover, Edinburgh, Caernarfon and Haverfordwest.

However, the boys are only allowed to hitchhike, with the idea based on asking people they have never met for help which will encourage openness for those with mental health problems.

(Image: Colin Ewart)

Walters will be looking to come out on top again this time around, having won the previous challenge in 2018.

The 24-year-old made 28 appearances for Neil Smothers’ side in his debut season at Richmond Park, having departed Haverfordwest County in June 2018.

Get The Boys A Lift is a non-profit community interest organisation whose aim is to improve mental health within communities.

The target is to raise funds to allow free mental health support at the Get the Boys a Lift cafe and drop-in centre in Dew Street, Haverfordwest; which will be the race’s start point.

It was founded in 2017 by Walters’ friend Gareth Owens, and the organisation has helped raise more than £12,000 so far.

(Image: Colin Ewart)

The organisation also sell organic t-shirts which allow them to remain independent and continue their invaluable work in the community.

You can find out more about GTBAL by visiting their website or by taking a look at their Facebook page.


(Featured image: Colin Ewart)

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